Why We Give
God is generous and He calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Ways to Give
Give online
Online giving is available through Planning Center. The link below will take you to our giving portal where you can give a one-time gift or setup recurring giving. Setting up giving in Planning Center is safe and secure. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Click here to give using a credit/debit card
Electronic check/online bill pay
Most banks have some form of online bill pay system that is available to those who use online banking services. It is often free and you can usually set up recurring payments from any of your active accounts. Be aware there is a short dely from the time you initiate the payment to the date the check is actually mailed to the church - which might be important for any year-end tax considerations. Please contact your bank's customer service department to set-up online bill pay.
Give in person
You can give to our church by bringing checks or cash to our Sunday Service and dropping it in the offering during our service.
Stocks or other assets
Donations of stock allow for maximum stewardship for some individuals. For more information, please contact Ann Kats at ann@redemptionhillbible.org.
Mail In
You can mail a check to Redemption Hill Bible Church; 10431 SE 11th St. Bellevue, WA 98004