Joe Penberthy
Lead Pastor/Elder
Our pastor Joe planted Redemption Hill Bible Church in 2017. Joe is our lead preaching pastor and shepherd here at RHBC. Joe and his wife Erin have three boys and one girl. Joe is a graduate of The Master's College and Seminary, and has been in ministry for now over 18 years. He has a heart for reaching the lost, and we are very thankful the Lord has called him to Seattle.
Shay Thomason
Discipleship Pastor/Elder
Shay is our associate pastor of discipleship. He has been involved with local church ministry for over 15 years. He graduated from The Master’s College (2005) where he studied youth ministry and Christian education, and where he met his wife, Bethany. Shay and Bethany have four children: Titus, Avery, Karis, and Micah. The Thomason family love spending time together and with the church family!
Joel Gallion
Lay Elder
Joel Gallion is married to Erin and they have 4 kids (3 girls, 1 boy). Joel is the president of Bellevue HealthCare and has worked there for over 20 years. Joel has a passion for music and people. He helps lead our Sunday morning worship while also helping shepherd families and people in the church. Joel and Erin helped launch RHBC in 2017.
Jonah Welch
Student Ministries Director
Jonah oversees our junior high and high school ministries. He has a heart for seeing students saved, and to see them grow in their faith in Christ. Jonah is a graduate of The Master's University (2020), and is currently working towards his Master’s of Divinity. Jonah is married to his best friend, Abby, who serves in the youth ministry and RH Kids. Together they love being outdoors, playing sports, and spending time with people.